About Me

Information about the Blog

I've decided to write this post in order to inform you about the new "look" of my blog. I decided to change the look because of the problems had the page to load. Also it hid many gadgets, and made ​​the blog perhaps more elegant, but less easy to read.

If you look to the left you can see that is possible to keep posted on the blog subscribing your e-mail. This service will inform you everytime there will be written a new post on the blog.

Going farther down you will see the botton "translate". I decided to put it to make it easier to read for those who did not understand English well. Yes, of course it could be also my fault, I acknowledge that I'm not very able to write in English.

If you go to the right sidebar you can see the Blog Archive. 

At the top, under the title, there are some pages that connect you to external links(Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Youtube).

Lastly, I've decided to change the font, from now on I'll write in "Georgia".
Thanks to have read it, and enjoy the blog!

The idea of ​​creating this blog was born with my growing passion for Rosenborg. This passion was born seeing old clips of matches on the Internet about Rosenborg, in the Champions League, especially in the victory against AC Milan in the edition 1996/1997. In 2009 I started to follow the team with more assiduity, until I decided to start this blog in September 2013. 
In addition to this blog, there is a Facebook page, a Twitter profile, a Google Plus page, and a YouTube channel, where the analysis will be made, in particular of goals and will be made the replays of fouls or refereeing decisions.

P.S.: Click on the red words to go to the links

If you go to the right you can choose many options

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